Are you looking for an experienced chiropractor in Blackwood?

Our Health and Wellness Clinic services all the Southern areas of Adelaide, including Blackwood and sorroundingn suburbs.
Beginning with humble origins over 20 years ago, SA Wellness Centre has become one of Adelaide’s premier chiropractic and wellness clinics, having been recognised with the local award as Hallet Cove in 2019. Recent renovations ensure that our patients have access to modern clinical facilities situated in a very comfortable and friendly environment.
Dr. Peter Roennfeldt is a chiropractor near Blackwood. He and his team of experienced and professional health professionals as well as the team of friendly receptionists welcome patients young and old to SA Wellness Centre.
Call our centre and speak to one of our friendly reception staff who can assist you in your booking and any further inquiries you may have. Phone: 8322 1788. Alternatively, you can book your appointment online